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Display For Apple Mac

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Display For Apple Mac

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A P3 wide color gamut provides a color palette capable of creating the most vibrant imagery. Click

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Or connect it to your MacBook Pro with Thunderbolt 3 2 Use AR to see Pro Display XDR in your workspace.

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Introducing Apple Pro Display XDR, the worlds best pro display XDR Dynamic range to the extreme.. With just a click or a tap, you can extend your Mac desktop using your iPad, effortlessly share files with friends, and more.. 1 It gives you the power to maintain extreme brightness without ever dimming Along with efficient backlight control, this delivers outstanding contrast between the brightest brights and the blackest blacks. HERE

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Apple's new Pro Display XDR is the first own-brand monitor that the company has produced since it discontinued the 27in Thunderbolt Display back in 2016.. Over a billion colors presented with exceptional accuracy And dynamic range that transforms the professional workflow. e828bfe731

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Pro Display XDR produces an industry-leading 1000 nits of full-screen sustained brightness and 1600 nits at its peak.. 1600 nitspeak brightnessShow your truest colors Pro Display XDR always gives you the truest representation of your work. Click